Product classification
Driving mechanism life test environment simulation equipment
Equipment features
The driving mechanism life test environment simulation equipment mainly provides a simulated on orbit space environment (temperature gradient, vacuum degree), so that the mechanism can work according to the actual working conditions in this environment. It is mainly used for the thermal vacuum test and accelerated life test of the two-dimensional pointing mechanism to the sun orientation device, so as to fully verify the reliability of the driving mechanism. The equipment adopts composite working fluid and heat transfer oil dual refrigeration technology, which can realize independent temperature regulation of heat sink and cold plate, and is conducive to improving the temperature rise and fall rate and temperature control accuracy of large heat capacity test products.
Technical performance
1. Vacuum degree: limit vacuum degree ≤ 5 × 10-5pa, working vacuum degree ≤ 1 × 10-3pa;
2. Two temperature gradients can be formed in the axial direction and radial direction at the same time, and the maximum temperature difference is 50 ℃;
3. Space temperature range: - 100 ℃ ~ + 150 ℃;
4. Temperature uniformity: better than ± 2 ℃;
5. Temperature control accuracy: ± 1 ℃;
6. The average rate of surface temperature rise and fall: ≥ 1 ℃ / min;
7. Temperature stability: ≤ 1 ℃ / h;
8. After the test, the heat sink can be rewarming quickly, and the rewarming time is not more than 1 hour.
Contact us
KYVAC Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact number:010-61778196
Project communication:18611455296
Customer service:18611455375
Complaints Hotline:18611455295
Shop phone:010-82548098
Suzhou Kemei:18611455368
Contact address:No.13, North ertiao, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing

Official account

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