Product classification
High-energy detector beam calibration environment simulation device
Equipment features
The beam calibration loop model device of high energy detector provides the simulated thermal vacuum environment for the beam target station of the experimental station on the ground, which is the main equipment of the electron beam line device experimental station of accelerator. The device is the first accelerator beam line device in China that can provide pulse mode quasi single electron beam. It can provide electromagnetic shielding environment, high and low temperature cold black background, clean and pollution-free high vacuum environment for sample beam test, and can be used for electronic calibration test of various space particle detectors.
Technical performance
1. Vacuum tank with diameter of 2000 × 1900 mm, effective space of 1800 × 1850 mm, double door structure;
2. The permeability of vacuum tank is less than 1.2;
3. Vacuum degree of the test piece with simulation: limit vacuum degree ≤ 8 × 10-6pa, working vacuum degree ≤ 5 × 10-4Pa;
4. The pumping rate of atmospheric ~ 1pA can be adjusted to stay and maintain at any pressure point;
5. Temperature range: - 82 ℃ ~ + 150 ℃ (heat sink and cold plate);
6. Rate of temperature rise and fall: ≥ 2 ℃ / min (heat sink and cold plate);
7. Uniformity: heat sink ± 2 ℃, cold plate ± 1 ℃;
8. Temperature stability: ≤ 0.5 ℃ / h (heat sink and cold plate);
9. The temperature of heat sink and cold plate can be controlled independently;
10. Pollutant content: ≤ 9 × 10-8g / cm2 / 24h.
Contact us
KYVAC Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact number:010-61778196
Project communication:18611455296
Customer service:18611455375
Complaints Hotline:18611455295
Shop phone:010-82548098
Suzhou Kemei:18611455368
Contact address:No.13, North ertiao, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing

Official account

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